Sponsor Packages

I love being a biker and the brotherhood that follows with it. I have made it my life. I started SouthTexasBiker.com to help educate and entertain the biker community and help the biker community come together.
We try to keep the events page up to date and full to always give us a place to ride to and get together. We are also starting a section called the biker spotlight with business that welcome us bikers, so you don’t have to worry about being turned away just because you are a biker or wearing a cut.
We are working hard on putting it together so there are still much more to come. If you own or manage a business that welcome bikers give us a holler. Soon to come, Biker Spotlight tattoo shops, repair shops, insurance agencies and much more. The best business that support the biker community. I have dedicated a large portion of my life to this website. It’s a great way to do what I love and share my biker and MC knowledge along with many things we learned along the way. We need your financial help and support to keep us working hard for the biker community so that we can grow into what we dream this website to be one day. We offer a number of sponsor packages but of course all help is welcome. If you have a business that would like to join our proud team of sponsors, shoot me an email at Hector@SouthTexasBiker.com or give us a call at 956.342.7421, so we can make that happen.
Gold Sponsor Package
$6,000 Annual Donation. As appreciation, we offer the Top 980 Banner featured under the Main Navigation on every page throughout the entire website. We will also proudly include your logo on top of our Proud Sponsor Logo Bar linked to your website, Facebook or internal page featuring your business for a year.
Silver Sponsor Package
$4,000 Annual Donation. As appreciation, we offer the Top 728 Banner featured next to the website logo under the Main Navigation on every page through out the entire website. We will also proudly include your logo on our Proud Sponsor Logo Bar linked to your website, Facebook or internal page featuring your business for a year.
Bronze Sponsor Package
$3,000 Annual Donation. As appreciation, we offer the 300 Web Banner featured on the Home page & in each article page. We will also proudly include your logo on our Proud Sponsor Logo Bar linked to your website, Facebook or internal page featuring your business for a year.
Event Sponsor Package
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The Immortal Sponsor Package
$500 Donation or more, featured as an article if your business applies to bikers. We call this the immortal package. For only $500 you get a writer to your business to experience it, interview you and write an article about it to draw the biker community to it. It includes a large 615x326px banner to give your sales pitch in addition to the article. And here is the Best Part, your article and advertisement is immortalized in the website forever. It stays on there for any of our readers to read anytime from anywhere as SouthTexasBiker.com Content. Include your logo on our Proud Sponsor Logo Bar linked to your website, Facebook or internal page featuring your business for a year.
General Sponsor Package
$200 Annual Donation or more. We appreciate any help we can get and to show it; we will proudly add your business logo to our Proud Sponsor Logo Bar linked to your website, Facebook or internal page featuring your business for a year.
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