Save the Patch
- Updated: 05/30/2019

I’m riding down the road and boom, there are red and blue flashing lights behind me. I have a split second to decide whether I speed off or pull over. I think back, my paperwork is in order, I haven’t been drinking, YET, ha ha… I wasn’t speeding… I’ll take my chances, so I pull over to avoid giving brothers any headaches since I am wearing my cut. The last thing I need is for them to jam a brother up thinking he is me just because he is wearing the same patches I wear.
The cop steps out, put his hands on his pistol and walks up to me. I make sure I keep my hands up on my apes. License and proof of insurance, he asks. I slowly reach for my wallet and pull my shit out for him. As I do so, I notice three more cop cars pull up behind his. They hop out and walk up. The cop hands one of the other guys my shit. He starts logging the info into his digital tablet device as the others keep their eyes on me and start looking around my motorcycle and I. They start asking questions about my motorcycle and custom parts. I figure what’s the harm on chatting this guy up? Maybe he will relax, take his hands off his pistol, realize they probably got the wrong guy and let me go on my way. But I quickly realized the guy with the tablet is taking notes, so I shut back down and keep my mouth shut. Then they start asking questions about my patches and what they mean. I look him in the eyes and smirk. “I don’t know man, my buddies and I wear them, they look cool.” He smirks back because he realizes I’m not going to talk about them. “What’s this about Officer I need to get home, it’s hot out here.” As he answers, “I was pacing you, and you were riding faster than you should be.” The cop with the tablet asks me to look over at him, that’s when I realized his tablet has a camera above it and he’s taking my photos. He was profiling me and my motorcycle. He wraps it up and walks away. “I’m a let you go with a warning,” the city cop says and they all storm off.
That was the first time I got harassed by the police, just for being in a motorcycle club.
That was over half a decade ago. Now they have taken a much bigger step forward. Now they want to take our club patches. What has this country come to, to where you can’t even join an organization and dress in a uniform matter. The United States Federal Government wants to shut down motorcycle clubs by taking their identity and refusing to respect our American Rights. They are treating bikers as criminals who deserve no rights. Not even the right to exist. What happened to innocent till proven guilty? What happened to our freedom of speech and religion? This is a way of life we chose. We found each other. A group of people that share the same beliefs and enjoy the same things. So much so that we identify each other as brothers and chose to be proud of calling each other brothers. So much so we want the whole world to know so we wear patches on our back and display them everywhere we go. As we ride together across the country and hang out at social establishments. Nothing wrong with that.
The Mongols Motorcycle Club is the first club they try this on. Who knows who’s next. Once they figure this out, they will use the same strategy to go after all clubs they decide they don’t want around.
So it’s important we join the fight and help protect our first amendment right. Nip it in the bud before they start going after more clubs and club patches, while we still can.
There are several fundraisers going on throughout the state to help pay lawyers to protect us. In South Texas, there will be a fundraiser at Chano’s Sports Bar on June 8th, 1 pm in Edinburg, Tx to help support the fight for our American Motorcycle Club Rights as Bikers. So if you care to wear and keep your club patches, come join the party. A $10 donation at the door will get you food while it lasts, a chance to win door prizes and a good time with fellow bikers joining the fight.
Remember, this isn’t about any particular club. This affects everyone in a motorcycle group. It wasn’t that long ago when the Waco incident happened, a law enforcement set up. Keep in mind, not only 1%er club member got picked up. Everyone did, including members of motorcycle ministries. Everyone got picked up, everyone got shot at, everyone got treated just as bad no matter what motorcycle association you are a part of. Each person picked up got put in jail with a million dollar bond, fed spoiled food, refused medical attention and treated like a criminal.
The public has been taught to see bikers as scum by the media so they don’t care. They see the police has hero’s taking out the trash. So everyone with a patch gets pulled over, harassed, illegally searched and profiled. Not just those with the bad reputations. So all of us need to stand and fight together for our future as bikers. Not for today but for tomorrow. This has to stop and it needs to start here.
If you find you don’t have time to ride by or live too far from the party. You can still join the fight by donating on the Save the Patch go fund.
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