Respect. Give It & Earn It!
- Updated: 11/24/2015

The biker world is all about respect. You have to respect your fellow biker to have them respect you. And don’t let anyone cross any lines with you. I’m not saying punch the guy for not using the right tone of voice or looking at you funny, but speak to him and set them straight. Let him know it’s inappropriate and unwarranted. You would be amazed how many times issues can be fixed by simply speaking about it and clearing the air. It also insures it doesn’t happen again.
So the big question is, how do I gain club respect as a whole. How do you earn other MCs respect, not just for your self, but for your club. You have to remember something. And I preach this plenty. If you have a patch on your back you now represent your entire club. You make a fool of your self, everyone will see your club as a joke. Not just you! Conduct your self in a professional manner and make sure each one of your members does the same. You have to start thinking of your club as a business and run it as such. So you have a patch on your back? Congratulations you now have a big ass spotlight on you. So make your club proud every second you wear your cut. Make sure everyone sees what they are suppose to see. What you want them to see. Gain control of the situation.
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Get the chapter together to go to these events. A bigger presence is something you can not ignore. The more your seen by the community the more your club seems together. It makes your brotherhood transparent. It’s attractive, it will make independents want to join your club, and make others idolize y’all for it.