All posts by Texas Biker
Save the Patch
I’m riding down the road and boom, there are red and blue flashing lights behind me. I...
Club Participation
If you’re wearing a patch. Make sure you show you give a shit. Show that it means...
New MC Patches
It’s great when you earn a new patch. It is a great sense of gratification. All patches...
Cars + Cell Phones = Murder
There’s another death in our motorcycle community this week. Many brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, cousins, aunts and...
Too Little, Too Late – Biker Joke of the Week
A guy is at the Pearly Gates, hoping to be admitted, and St. Peter says to the...
Teachers Pet – Biker Joke of the Week
Mrs. Sheila a true biker babe, is a third grade teacher. Every Tuesday they have show and...
Motorcycle Tire Wear Bars
How to know it is time to replace your tires?We do what we do because we love it. We are born to ride. So make sure...
Biker Joke of the Week – The Bird
A biker was riding his v-twin when he collided with a little bird. Thanks to his helmet...
Biker Joke of the Week – 911
911, can I help you? Hello! Help! “Send someone over quickly!” the old woman screamed into the...
Biker Joke of the Week – BEFORE IT STARTS
A biker came home from the road, sat down in his favorite chair, turned on the TV,...