Welcome to the Official South Texas Biker Website. This website is intended for all family motorcycle clubs and independent bikers of South Texas. It's meant to be entertaining, informative and helpful for those who love to ride as much as we do.

Remember we are bikers, so we may be a bit profane here and there. So if your younger then 18 years of age or get offended easily, now is the time to click on the X in the corner and close the page.
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We are working on getting our biker community great deals on motorcycle gear, custom parts, motorcycle maintenance and repair, special prices at bars and restaurants and much more. Anything we as bikers know we need and would love to get our hands on. Subscribe to our Newsletter below so we can notify you when we have a great promo available to you.

Soon we will feature a photo gallery of biker events, bike and biker babes, too so stay posted.

One of the things I excelled on was helping my family club grow and strengthen in brotherhood and respect. I like to believe we did a great job at it. So much it was noticed by the community. Every now and then I had fellow bikers ask me how we did it and how they could do it for their club. I advised those who came to me but wondered how I could help fellow C.O.C. brothers with out getting too involved in other clubs' club business. Mind my own club business is what I was taught, and learned through experience, but I had to find a way to help them and still keep my distance. So we came up with this idea. We started a website.

A great way to reach and help everyone with out involving my self in everyone's business. So we hope everyone enjoys our articles and can benefit from them as much as we would like them to.
Biker Brain
Look Twice Video

Look Twice

Here is a great video by the Washington State Department of Licensing I ran into on Facebook. I had...

Biker Joke of The Week
MC Tips

Save the Patch

I’m riding down the road and boom, there are red and blue flashing lights behind me. I have a...

Proud Sponsors

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